I did have more fun at my cousin's wedding than eating dinner, but it's worth noting the meal, if only to provide the next wedding I attend with something to live up to. Everyone, sweltering in their summer best on the evening of June 19th, made their way to be seated around white-clad tables. We were greeted by a pocket-sized box of tea, which we tried the next day and despite smelling too vanilla sweet, was very refreshing but comforting: 'A tea for marriage', as it was labelled.

Beatifully matching the array of bridal pastels, the first course was a cold courgette and buttermilk soup, scattered with radishes and chives like pink and green confetti. It was so delicious that one guest asked for a second helping, threatening to completely scupper the catering staff's deft preparation.
Unfortunately the main course of pink lamb cutlets did not survive in photographic memory, as the emotional distractions of a first dance and some tear-jerking speeches left me unable to tell see whether a photo was in focus or not. Finally out came slices of chocolate wedding cake - the best variety, I would have thought. By this time people had started dancing and switching seats - unwanted morsels of cake seemed to be enough to fuel the evening to its end, via a fair amount of Frank Sinatra kareoke and catching fireflies.